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The items on this page are photographs of fragments of items from Sydney Archives Item: 3248 Title: Annandale and City. Alteration to Boundary. [TC1649/33] (March 1936)
Notes: Municipal Boundary shown thus ---x---x---x Proposed new boundary shown by blue line Areas to be added to City of Sydney coloured green Areas to be withdrawn from City of Sydney coloured red
"Agreement mad the ?? day of?? one thousand nine hundred and thirty six between the municipal council of sydney of the one part and the council of the municipality of Annandale of the other part whereas the municipality of Annandale (herinafter called "the Municipality") an area constituted under the Local Government Act 1919 as amended adjoins the City of Sydney (herinafter calle "the City") and whereas the parties hereto have agreed ot the alteration of the boundaries ....."
Signed by Mayor and Town Clerk of Municipality of Annandale and Town Clerk and Engineer of City of Sydney
Published in Government Gazette No 20 of 12th of February 1937. Sydney Corporation Act, 1932-1934 Proclamation (LS) PW STREET Lieutenant-Governor 4th February, 1937 WHEREAS in purusance of the provisions of section 289 of the Sydney Corporation Act, 1932-1934, the Municipal Council of Sydney with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor duly entered into agreements with teh Councils of the adjoining Municipalities of Petersham, Annandale and The Glebe for the alteration of boundaries betwen the City of Sydney and such Municipalities respectively by taking parts of the City and adding them to the Municipalities of Petersham and Annandale, and by taking parts of the Municipalities of Petersham, Annandale and The Glebe and additng them to the City: No, I the Honourable Sir Phillip Whistler Street, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New South Walkes, with the advice of the Execturive Council, and in pursuance of the said Act, do by this my Proclamation set forth_ In Schedule "A" hereto the amended boundaries of the City of Sydney so as to include therin and exclude therefrom the lands added to and taken from the City in pursuance of the aforesaid agreements: In Schedule "B" hereto ..... Last updated 21 July 2012.