Annandale NSW Australia -33.8814; 151.1707

Public Transport Trip Planner

Annandale Streetscape - Tom Worthington

Annandale on the Web

Promoting Annandale on the Internet since 1998

Local Provenance Plants

Nursery | Trees > 5m | Trees < 5m | 0.5 - 2m | Grasses | Climbers | Herbs | Estuarine | Ferns | Fungi | Wattle | Seed Pods | Yellow Flowers | Green Flowers | Blue & Purple Flowers | White Flowers | Pink Flowers | Bunya Nuts | Lilipillis | August | September | October | Banksia marginata | Trees | Weeds | circa 1800 | References

Local Provenance Plants with Pink Flowers

small pink spidery flowersGrevillea linerifolia (pink spider flower); Annandale, 1 January 2018, Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz

small 8-10 petalled pink flower with yellow centre
Bauera rubiodes
(River or Dog rose)
Lane Cove Golf Course
20 September 2009)
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz

Blueberry Ash in blossom October 2006
Elaeocarpus reticulatis (Blueberry Ash) Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz, 28 October 2006

red long bell shaped flowers with white edges
Epacris Longifolia
Fuschia Heath
Lane Cove Golf Course
20 September 2009
Photo: Marghanita da Cruz

Bell Flower withe pink flush at top fading to yellow at base, with yellow stamens and grey green folliage
Correa reflexa (10 July 2009)
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz

Crowea Saligna - Pink Star flower
Crowea saligna, Whites Creek 10 July 2009
Photographer: Marghanita da Cruz